African Canarian Islands Flower Essences

In the Canary Islands, events that many call magical or extraordinary happen. Before the Spanish conquest, the aboriginal peoples worshiped their gods using primitive architecture that united in consonance with the Sun and the equinoxes. They also understood that certain mountains, peaks or volcanoes were special and worshiped them or used them in certain rites. They used sacred symbols and used elements of nature for their rituals. With all this, it is logical to think that some essences from such a location must be unique and original since not only is there the most incident solar influence compared to other locations, but also, depending on the collection area, these plants have a different vibrational state.
The essences of the Canary Islands are capable of providing vitality and flexibility. They allow us to ascend in a smooth, harmonious way, from the beginning of our own difficulties to overcoming them. In Africa we find the most virgin ecosystem in the world. Ten percent of all the flowers that inhabit our planet Earth reside in it, capable of having great resistance and very good adaptation to strong changes in the climate. It is for this reason that the essences of Africa transmit qualities of strength, assimilation and adaptation to us. They help to make us strong in the constant processes of change and transformation of life.
How to use them
In this case, there are twenty different essences, each with its peculiarities. Its use is similar to that of Dr. Bach's flower remedies, but they are generally not diluted, although it is a very valid option. 4 drops are taken 4 times a day, except in Hibiscus that its dose is 4 drops 6 times a day. You will find its botanical name in parentheses.
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Africa, and legendary continent, often forgotten, is home to an inconceivable abundance of phanerogams in its different climatic zones that extend from the Sahara deserts, through the steppes and savannahs, to the tropical forests. As our research progressed, we were able to quickly realize the importance of this unique vegetation for the development of flower essences in these times. From a geographical point of view, the Canary Islands belong to Africa, even though the vegetation of this archipelago, together with Madeira, the Azores and the Cape Verde Islands, constitute a treasure of the plant world. Many of the plants that we can find there are of endemic origin (that is, with very marked geographical limits) and until the arrival of the ice age they could also be found in large areas of southern Europe and North Africa. The laurel and pine forests have allowed them to be exceptionally conserved. On a surprisingly small area, the Canary Islands gather diverse climatic zones contained in the limits of their coasts and dunes, jumping ravines, laurel and pine forests, up to the summits of the ravines, which host an incredible variety of plants.