European Animal Essences

European Animal Essences
A German doctor Peter Spitzer has stated the following about the animal essences:

1. Animal essences sublimates energetic weaknesses in humans with positive energies; measurable via the acupuncture points.
2. Animal essences neutralize any negative and interfering frequencies.
3. Animal Essences specifically act on the core energy within the chakras, z.T. also to the lower and upper chakras, i. they “feed” or “cleanse” the chakras.
4. Animal Essences also beneficially affect organs - especially the Marine essences which have a positive effect on the Urogenital organs.
5. Animals are very close to humans in their evolution. They already possess more advanced souls. When living in the wild have not built up any mental blockages.
6. Animal Essences act on acupuncture points, balance the yin and yang energy.
7. Poisonous and toxic animals to humans when ingested, the essences have a cleansing effect on the body. Those animals that’s are considered “Power Animals” have an empowering effect on human.
8. Animals stabilize the energy axes and grid of humans.
9. At times they need to be used in combination with a “door opener” essence (mushrooms, gems, cacti).
10. A correctly chosen animal essence produces the most efficient energy flow within the axis.
11. Due to PHI’s special method of production the animal essences do not trigger allergic reactions and have no side effects.
This essence provides power and goodness for those who are afraid or indecisive. It helps us get in touch with our true inner strength and to communicate this to others, gently but firmly. We feel protected and good-hearted when using this essence.
from 16,00 EURO
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Fire Salamander
This essence helps us to recall past events in a loving, safe way, thereby allowing us to integrate them into our life. We learn to treat this heritage carefully, to understand it better, and to learn from it.
from 16,00 EURO
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Brings up deeply-felt emotions in a safe, controlled manner so that we can express what we really feel, releasing what has been repressed and allowing us to move forward, It helps us recognize our true feelings.
from 16,00 EURO
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Hare - Hase
Increases our perceptual abilities, especially hearing. Puts us more in touch with our environment so we can better focus on what´s truly important.
from 16,00 EURO
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Dragonfly - Libelle
Reconnects our mind and our emotions so we rise up from a mire of negative or repressed feelings with a renewed sense of purpose and energy. A powerful essence for those undergoing importat changes in their life as the dragonfly represents self-transformation. Our mind clears and we realize what we must do, right now, so we can move forward.
from 16,00 EURO
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Hawk moth - Taubenschwänzchen
This Animal Essence Hawk moth helps us make the right choices and find the correct path. It refreshes us and helps us free ourselves from difficult situations. It breaks up rigid emotional patterns.
from 16,00 EURO
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Peacock Essence - Pfau
Destined for those who cannot accept themselves as they are, this essence stimulates our inner beauty to shine forth and brings with it pleasant feelings of sincerity, dignity and self-respect. Restores our zest for life as it should be lived and helps us get the recognition we deserves.
from 16,00 EURO
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Horse - Pferd
Conveys feelings of freedom and expansion and encourages our flexibility and skillfulness. It can help all who feel restricted or cramped, both physically and mentally. Helps us to re-connect with our love of the "Great Outdoors" and the beauty of Nature.
from 16,00 EURO
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Deer - Reh
This essence creates a link between human beings and the animal kingdom while strengthening feelings of peaceful cooperation and self- confidence. Suitable for those who work with animals and particularly for anyone who worries excessively. It relaxes inner tensions, allowing us to be more carefree and to trust that even if we don´t yet see something´s purpose, things will still turn out all right.
from 16,00 EURO
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This essence creates a link between human beings and the animal kingdom while strengthening feelings of peaceful cooperation and self-confidence. Suitable for those who work with animals and particularly for anyone who worries excessively. It relaxes inner tensions, allowing us to be more carefree and to trust that even if we don´t yet see something´s purepose, things will still turn out all right.
from 16,00 EURO
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Sheep - Schaf
This essence helps people who need to develop more flexibility, compassion and the ability to consider the needs of others as well as their own desires. Helps broaden our perspective when we become too attached to one solution for a situation or a project.
from 16,00 EURO
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Helps us to accept who we are and break free from self-imposed limits in times of crisis. This essence frees our Soul as we transform ourselves and recognize our true potential.
from 16,00 EURO
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Restores our true inner beauty, harmoizes our emotions and releases us from fear. It can help anyone afflicted with anguish, deep-seated anxieties or who is fearful of life. This essence and its relaxing pleasant vibration promotes harmony and agreement between people both in intimate relationships or in social goups.
from 16,00 EURO
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Seal - Seehund
Helps us glide though life like a seal through the water; decreases our resistance to change and helps us re-discover our playful side. Suitable for those who have not yet developed their full potential and who feel blocke by obstacles. Frees us from sorrow and fear as it restores a playful zest for life despite all the serious issues we must face.
from 16,00 EURO
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Spider - Spinne
Enables us to see our own personal wants and needs and thos of people around us better. It also helps us let go of preconceived ideas. so we can cooperate with others in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. It allows us to judge mor accurately just how close we can get to others, in our family, at work, or in a social group, without smothering them. This ability strengthens group unity as we allow relationships to develop naturally without undue obligations or expectations.
from 16,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Goat/Ibex - Steinbock
Helps us open our heart to ourselves and to others, while reducing our fears. Acts on the 3rd and 4th chakras. As we develop tolerance and genuine warmth, our perspective broadens and we joy, tenderness and abundance, we advance beyond feelings of lack, loss or deprivation and learn to enjoy material possenssions more ligthly.
from 16,00 EURO
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Relieves tension and stress as it centers and relaxes us, both physically and mentally, helps us take a new, lighter perspective on whatever is bothering us. Allows us to active our inner child, rediscovering its bright, joyful outlook as we see things in a new way.
from 16,00 EURO
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Eagle owl - Uhu
This essence strengthens our discernment ability, allowing us to judge "Right" from "Wrong" and to evaluate what people or influences are best for us. It can assist those in trouble who have lost their way and need help finding the Light. Also it cleanses the mind of negative thoughts.
from 16,00 EURO
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A powerful essence that stimulates inner wisdom. It helps us integrate what we´ve learned until now, so that we can plan for the future. It teaches us that it´s better to act prudently and recognize problems on the horizon, rather than charge headlong into things blindly.
from 16,00 EURO
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Wolf Essence sharpens all of our senses so that we pay more attention to what´s going on. Raises our awareness of what others around us are thinking and of group dynamics.
from 16,00 EURO
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European Animal Essences - Full Set
Make use of the wide range of possiblities the qualities of these 20 European animals offer to us. Each animal has its specific power to re-connect us with our own true nature and to live the full glory of our beeing. We recommend to test the animal essences before use. The animal essences support both the animals and their people to bring the soul and spirit back into harmony. When the soul is in peace, then one also feels physically healthy and vital. The animal essences consist of water and alcohol. The essences are energized with the power of animals. 20x15ml.
198,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
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