Pleiades Essences

The Pleiades are the seven stars. They denote the neutral west of the galaxy. The power of the West is to enable maturity for all beings and realities. We are here to aid your process of maturation. The individual maturity as well as the earthly and galactic.
One of our peculiarities is that we establish contact with individual individuals, soul or human groups, society or group souls, populations or even planetary associations. In all the constellations shown, we use our helpful energies to enable progress. The progress we are talking about is not technical or external in nature. It's about inner maturation and processes of change. Just as a child matures into a young person, adult and later old man.
Our oscillation frequency helps to put the experiences made in the best possible context to the past and future value systems and thereby possibly also to adapt these values and to correct them upwards. Every higher vibrating value system or inner ideal goes hand in hand with the raising of the heart vibration.
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