Wildflower Essences

Wildflower Essences
Our unique Wildflower Essences are produced in Europe.

Wildflower Essences : For Emotional Balance

The plant kingdom is classified in two sub-kingdoms with one of them being the Phanerogamae and its main characteristic is that they are attached to the earth through roots, in other words, they are united with  the physical element. The flower, as active energy, is found above the surface and its essences effect corresponds to the vibrational environment that is above the physical element even though they are united through the roots. The Wildflower essences have an emotional compensating effect (according to each individual orientation) in the astral and ethereal environment of the body. The development of a person is shown through their feelings and emotions which emphasize the importance of flower essences in the personality development process as they help to compensate problems such as fears or blocking feelings and as a result the person is able to persist on their personal development.

Vibration medicine - change everyday life with the power of nature. The primal power inherent in all being is revealed in nature. Connecting consciously with it leads to more mindfulness, clarity, strength and ultimately healing. Wildflower essences that are made for modern people offer support on this path. They are also called love remedies. 60 individual essences and their effects on physical and psychological imbalances are presented and explained. Healing on all levels becomes possible.
Scarlet Pimpernel - Ackergauchheil
For those who are feeling isolated. Helps to integrate spirituality in our daily life and for group communication.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
An allround therapeutic flower essence. Reconnects the body to the Higher-Self after a shock, an anaesthetic, a trauma. Useful in cases of drug addiction.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Basil - Basilikum
To integrate sexuality into life as a whole. For times when sexuality or fear of sexuality creates conflict.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Brings peace of mind and joy to those who are feeling discouraged and heavy-hearted.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Self Heal - Braunelle
Stimulates the body's own healing powers and our will to be healthy. For a sense of well-being. This essence is highly effective when combined with a cream or massage oils.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Buttercup - Hahnenfuß
For those who have low self esteem. Helps reinforce self confidence.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Develops our creative potential and our ability to receive inspiration from higher realms.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Saint John's Wort - Johanniskraut
Encourages us to experience our inner light so that it may guide us through our higher consciousness. Reinforces confidence in divine protection. For deep-rooted fears and nightmares.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Mullein - Königskerze
To live according to our inner guide and conscience. Helps us to remain true to ourselves when working in a group.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Has a calming effect when we are feeling agitated and emotionally instable. Helps us to open up to our spirituality and integrate it in our daily life.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Dandelion - Löwenzahn
Releases cramps and emotional tensions. This essence is highly effective when combined with massage oils.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Mistletoe - Mistel
Will help those undergoing a radical change to live their physical and psychic transformations in a state of full awareness.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Rosemary Wildflower Essence
For those who have a faulty memory. Helps us to be more present in our body and to assert ourselves.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Red clover - Rotklee
Helps us to remain centred in emergency situations such as mass hysteria and general panic.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
White yarrow - Weiße Schafgarbe
This essence helps reinforce the aura's light which acts as a protective shield. For sensitive beings who are subject to the negative influences of their environment.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Helps to stabilize of the ego forces seated in the solar plexus. Particularly recommended in times of conflict with the biological father as well as the Almighty Father.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Bleeding heart - Tränendes Herz
Helps us to express our love and live freely. Recommended in times of emotional upheaval/disruption such as a break up or the loss of a dear one.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Violet - Veilchen
For those who feel isolated when in a group. Teaches us to open up our hearts to others and to develop our trust in sharing with them.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Forget me not
Stimulates our subconscious and our dreams. Helps us remember friends who have passed away.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Helps those who take things too seriously to lighten up. Awakens the happy child within us. Releases emotional and physical tensions.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Valerian - Baldrian
Brings peace and a good night's sleep. Highly recommended in times of intense stress.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Blackberry - Brombeere
For those who lack initiative and have difficulty in translating their goals and ideals into physical concrete actions. Helps carry projects through successfully.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Show 1 to 22 (from a total of 63 products)