(Euphorbia pulcherrima)
The poinsettia is native of Mexico, where it can be found forming large bushes in moist shady points. Moreover, this plant is widespread in the tropics. The flaming red upper leaves provide a background to the inflorescences, which are, in fact, little unattractive yellow flowers. Its sap is white, milky and corrosive. The poinsettia is known as an ornamental plant.
Poinsettia essence provides courage to express your own feelings and to show yourself just as you are.
Essence Effect on the Body: The essence communicates the Heart Chakra with the Throat Chakra and it exerts a positive effect especially in bodily disorders in these areas, when, for example, it is important to externalize never confessed feelings or situations that oppress our heart.
Mood: This "feelings essence" will help us order our emotional world. It attracts people who have difficulty expressing their feelings and also, for example, young people who are dissatisfied with themselves or their environment. We can release ourselves of negative feelings, expose problems of any kind (e.g. to our partner) and purify ourselves.
Mind: As it has a clarifying mental effect, this essence can also be a very positive mental support. The feelings that "wrap our soul in the dark" and paralyze our full development will be dispelled making it possible to think and feel with joy. We will have courage to recognize our mistakes and, if necessary, to apologize.
Spirit: As our spirit will be free of "dark" feelings, we will also be able to develop our spirituality. With this essence, the heart chakra will be open.
Affirmation: I can clearly express my feelings and I feel free.
50% French brandy for preservation. It matures for at least 4 years in oak barrels.
50% energised still water (Black Forest)
~20% alcohol content
*We use suction pipettes made of natural rubber. This is a natural product that may exhibit minimal natural variations in colour and shape.