Do not allow yourself to be intimidated, confidently and steadfastly stand up for your own ideals, approach a task enthusiastically, responsibly and creatively. Don't let difficulties get you out of it. He helps us to stay strong in difficult circumstances, to resolve our personal dark sides and to find strength. Take resistance as a creative impetus, be humorous and spontaneous
-in responsible positions
-after shock and trauma
-feel persecuted in all kinds of fears
-mental illness
-in intercession for the dead
-with strokes of fate
Strengtens the light and the love in our hearts. Helps us to remain faithful to ourselves and also strengtehns the love to other people.
50% French brandy for preservation. It matures for at least 4 years in oak barrels.
50% energised still water (Black Forest)
~20% alcohol content
*We use suction pipettes made of natural rubber. This is a natural product that may exhibit minimal natural variations in colour and shape.