(Panthera pardus)
The leopard lives in Africa, East, South and Southeast Asia. Head and body length is usually between 90 and 165 cm (35 and 65 in) and their weight is 81lb to 198lb (37 to 90 kg). They have a round face and a relatively short snout; they have large teeth in the lower jaw which allow them to catch their prey. It feeds both on small animals, such as beetles, and on large mammals, such as antelopes. They are good hunters generally sneaking up their prey and leaping forward, starting a career that can reach a speed of up to 37mph (60 km/h). Leopards are good swimmers and are also able to climb trees, where they often deposit their prey to then devour them. There, they are safe from scavengers such as hyenas and jackals.
Leopards are typical solitaries. Territories are marked using scent markings of urine. Females that want to mate wallow in these marks left by the male. Then the animals remain together for a period of 8 to 9 days and mate. After a gestation period of about 90 to 105 days, the female gives birth to two cubs. Each cub weighs approximately 1lb (500g). They are breastfed for three months and will remain with their mother for a year before establishing their own territories.
Leopard in Mythology: By radiating strength, courage and elegance, leopards have stimulated the imagination of human beings. In many African cultures, they are a symbol for warriors and rulers. Currently, the leopard-skin remains being a distinguishing feature of the chieftains. A Dahomenyan myth says that their kings were the result of the union of a human being to a female Leopard. The Dahomey people call themselves "the sons of the Leopard". The Igbo people believe that the best people reincarnate in elephants or leopards. The Egyptians represent the God Osiris with a leopard-skin. The leopards were reserved for the priests.
Dreams: It represents the masculine force, male sexuality and life force.
Leopard Essence: The essence promotes elegance, speed and skill. We learn to use our forces where it is worth it, we learn to care about other people and respect them.
On the body level: The essence helps us improve our physical sensation. We learn to use our strength in a better way. It is recommended to athletes so that they can improve their performance.
On the emotional level: The essence helps to use our strength accurately. We develop a more refined sense of when and what it is worth to use our strength for. It can help people develop greater self-esteem by increasing their self-confidence and becoming more courageous.
Spiritual: The essence gives us confidence, both in our own capabilities and strength, the boundaries of which will be established with greater ease by us. We will be also confident in God and his Guidance for our lives. See also the Snow Leopard essence.
50% French brandy for preservation. It matures for at least 4 years in oak barrels.
50% energised still water (Black Forest)
~20% alcohol content
*We use suction pipettes made of natural rubber. This is a natural product that may exhibit minimal natural variations in colour and shape.