Dragonflies are an order within the insecta class. There are 5,500 species worldwide and 85 of them can be found in Central Europe. Their large eyes and good flying ability make them successful thieves in the air. Dragonflies reach a wingspan of 2.55in to 3.54 (6.5 to 9cm). They live in shallow ponds, lakes, marshes and slow streams. Dragonflies have a slender body with six legs. Some of them are brightly colored. They are capable of flying far and fast due to the high speed with which they can beat their wings.
They recognize any source of water from the air by the reflection. It has strength in its flight and they can hunt away from water. The larvae of dragonflies, called nymphs, developed in the water as carnivorous looking for tadpoles and small fish. They have an external skeleton that, as they grow, has to be periodically replaced by another. After the change of skin, the body is soft and unprotected. While living in the water, it changes its skin several times. When it is ready for the last change, it moves out of the water and grabs an emergent plant. Once the metamorphosis takes place, it leaves the skeleton and rises for the first time in the air.
Dragonfly in Mythology: In Germanic mythology, dragonflies were related to the goddess Frigg or Freya and were sacred. This pagan veneration was reversed by the missionaries together with the meaning of the day Friday that it was dedicated to the dragonflies, and they became "devil´s darning needles” and it was said that Friday was a day of ill omen (Friday 13). For indigenous people, dragonflies are a symbol of renewal. In Japan, it is the national emblem, as there is a certain resemblance between this group of islands and a dragonfly. It personifies speed and swirling winds. Dragonflies are like little fairies. They often give us signals. They are also called "guardians of the ancient knowledge".
The dragonfly in the interpretation of dreams: It makes us have mental flashes with new ideas flying toward us; it promotes our spontaneity. Dragonfly Essence: This is an essence that helps us take our emotions from murky waters to the mental transparent plane. It unites the elements water and air, the emotional and the intellectual planes. Being a larva, it lives in murky waters, which correspond to our emotional level, and then it flies to the freedom of the mind.
On the body level: If we feel trapped by our feelings and moods and may even develop symptoms such as headaches, contractures and even depression, the essence helps us transform this on the energy level and to dissolve it.
On the emotional level: We learn to control our emotions so that "we do not fish passively in the murky” and we can get away from the role of victims and the feeling of dread and helplessness. The essence strengthens our intuition and promotes empathy.
On the spiritual level: We learn to better use our knowledge. We go beyond our emotions and we see our goal clearly and precisely. The essence gives us the wisdom to learn from our mistakes, to use our knowledge and our power properly. It helps us replace old patterns and it frees us inwardly. We communicate directly with God and thus we give a new meaning to our actions.
Note: Some years ago, during a meditation, we received the call for help of the last Yangtze River dolphins, a member of our group traveled to the Far East to help them by activating the water with Delph essence. He did not feel quite sure regarding when and where to work. It was then that dragonflies appeared showing each time where and how he should perform the water activation. This fact was repeated a few times and the dragonflies were always present.
50% French brandy for preservation. It matures for at least 4 years in oak barrels.
50% energised still water (Black Forest)
~20% alcohol content
*We use suction pipettes made of natural rubber. This is a natural product that may exhibit minimal natural variations in colour and shape.