(Salamandra maculosa)
The salamander is an amphibian within the caudata order, of which there are approximately 47 species. They have a slender body, a long tail and four legs of the same size and are brightly colored with black skin with yellow spots, which notifies its enemies of its toxicity. It has glands behind its eyes with which it produces toxic secretions so they are not eligible as food by their enemies. The salamander maculosa lives in the shadow of the forests and in mountains. During the day, it takes refuge in the shadow and in the weeds. Generally, it becomes active at night.
Salamander in Mythology: There are many superstitions regarding the salamander. A long time ago, people believed that the fire did not damage them, upon observing how the animal left from trunks that were already in flames. In Ancient Greece, the salamanders were related to the God of fire, Hephaestus, called by the Romans, Vulcan. In alchemy and in the rituals of the elements, the salamander corresponds to the fire. Even Paracelsus, awarded the salamander with the elementary soul of the fire. It is the symbol of change and transformation. Likewise, we find the following story in the Old Testament of the Bible: In Daniel 3.1, it says that three boys were burned in the fire of sacrifice upon having prayed to a pagan idol. An angel came to help the boys and saved them from the destructive flames. There was a wind of fresh dew that protected them from the flames and the boys worshipped the salamander.
Salamander in the interpretation of dreams: It represents the messages of an uncontrolled action. This may show both a positive energy for a purpose or an uncontrollable force of the unconscious.
Salamander Essence: It lovingly reminds us of our past and it helps us integrate it. The amphibians represent a very old evolutionary scale within the history of the evolution of the animal kingdom.
On the body level: The salamander helps balance the fire of the people and regenerate it. The fire is force of action, fulfillment, heat, creative power, enthusiasm and sexuality. If we have used too much of this energy, we have an energy imbalance. The salamander helps us regenerate this force and balance its energy. In acupuncture, the essence acts very well on the meridian points corresponding to fire element. It possesses a strong regeneration force. On the emotional level: The Salamander helps us use our force to heal old wounds. Certain feelings that have been injured in the past can be healed on the energy level. We become aware of our rich inheritance and thus our self-esteem increases.
On the spiritual level: Salamander essence can help people who are rootless, either by having emigrated or by not knowing their parents or their origin. It lovingly reminds us of our origin through dreams and sensations. Thus, we are allowed to look at our origins full of rich traditions that make us proud and increase our self-esteem. If in this aspect there were some conflicts or problems, the essence would help develop comprehension and humility so that old conflicts can be released and they are no longer blockages and our love towards life can fully develop. We can lovingly integrate our cultural and genetic origin.
50% French brandy for preservation. It matures for at least 4 years in oak barrels.
50% energised still water (Black Forest)
~20% alcohol content
*We use suction pipettes made of natural rubber. This is a natural product that may exhibit minimal natural variations in colour and shape.