38.) Ying-Yang, Niedereisungen (2001)
The essence helps us to recognize the oneness, the all-of-what-is, that there exists nothing that is not from God, that the one doesn't exist without the other part. It helps us to find inner balance and to give us a perspective to see the whole.
39.) Flower of Life, Zierenberg (2001)
The essence helps us to create contact with our roots and heritage. It helps to liberate emotions and feelings of culpability on our solar plexus. It helps us to transform old patterns and to help us for a new beginning.
40.) 6 Petal Flower, Donarbrunnen (2001)
All life is a result of Joy and Love. The essence acts on the second Chakra and helps us to stimulate our creativity and life energy to express our love.
41.) 6-pointed Star, Züschen (2001)
The essence purifies our throat chakra. On the one hand it connects us with our deepest inner structures and on the other hand it expands our experience on the cosmic level. Helps us to be more aware of the energy and power of words.
42.) 9-Petal Flower, Heiligenberg (2001)
The essence acts from the heart chakra to the third eye. It stimulates our sensibility for the energetic level and helps for the communication on the higher energetic levels. Helps women, children or men, which got abused sexually.
54.) Rapeseed Formation, Desenberg (2002)
Helps to dissolve old energies and frees us of feeling shame and guilt. Also dissolves old patterns and blockages to allow our inner light to come through so that our thoughts and our choices will determine our highest good.
57.) Cropcircle, Elbenberg (2002)
Creates clear vision so that you can recognize your way in life and move forward with clear direction. Creates a feeling of inner orientation and knowingness.
65.) Wave in a Circle, Kirchardt (2003)
A wave within a circle. A gentle energy that helps us to stay calm and evolve positive thoughts. An essence to promote harmony and integrity.
66.) Wave, Kirchardt (2003)
This large wave formation bestows a gentle energy of flexibility upon us. It helps us to break up old numb structures and brings forth relaxation and calm.
90.) Spiral, Göttingen (2006)
Formation in the same field like no. 91. A spiral with a flash showing to an old prehistoric settlement. In the calm is the power. And such we will have the energy for a new start, for a new inspiration how to go on. Helps to raise our creativity and to connect with our potential.
91.) 7-pointed Flower in Mustard, Göttingen (2006)
This formation appeared very unusual and late around the 25th of October in mustard fields close to a highway and a prehistoric sight. A sign of big change. A hint that there might be unusual things to come. Helps us to stay calm and centered, it does not matter whatever might happen around us.
164.) Raisting (2014)
Crop circle next to satellite systems. A crop circle of hearts and Christ energy. The people are led out of the material things and the egos and they connect with the heart. The essence is heart opening and connects us with the unconditional love of Christ energy. We connect with the spiritual level we experience the communication with the cosmos and the angelic beings, we experience the unity of God in -all-the-what-is.
165.) Paddle Wheel, Berlin (2015)
This crop circle shows the shape of a paddle wheel. (Counterclockwise center in a clockwise direction). The formation has an energetically strong cleaning effect on the energetic body and the subconscious. It gives you the strength to clean the past, solves the pain from the subconscious (personal, familial) and the level of archetypes. Old patterns and memories can be released and so do the way for a new inspiration and creativity. (War memories, Holocaust, guilt)
166.) Six Petal Flower (2015)
Beautiful Central circle with different coatings and an aureole. The crop circle illuminates the darkness.Wenn pain heavy burden on the mind, this essence is liberating and gives us new vitality. We develop a sense of aesthetics. It acts energetically strengthening our fertility and creative power.
167.) 12 Star Formation (2015)
For inwardly apathetic people, who are guided strongly by outgoing appearances, living in consumption, which may or may not want to feel themselves. The essence also helps develop inland, to locate a spiritual dimension in order to be also able to make sense of life, to reconnect with God and release the old pain.
168.) 8 Planet Model (2015)
Formation in the form of an 8-atom - or planet model. It reminds us that everything is connected with each other and is in contact, that things have a balance and need that the one evolved from the other. It helps people to be able to easily find their proper place her, peoples to exist in the Community. We learn all beings, the animals, the human nature to have its rightful place and to exist together in harmony.
176.) Star, Fürstenfeldbrück (2015)
The essence of beauty and goodness. For people who are more externally oriented, it helps also to develop internally and to recognize true beauty and aesthetic inside. We learn to see through our heart and to recognize the true meaning of life and to develop more compassion and kindness.
177.) Calle Gerlinger Str., Berlín (antigua área del muro de Berlín) Flor (2016)
Healing of propaganda. A quiet gentle energy of cleaning. They reassured us emotionally, energetically cleanse us from negative thoughts and emotions and acting energetically cleansing effect on the throat chakra. We learn our words carefully to choose and express ourselves. Cleaning of emotional hurt and we learn to forgive.
178.) Spiral, Gerlinger Str., Berlin (2016)
Healing the separation. The love creates unity. Crop circle on the former. German / German border. It helps in situations of conflict, resolve the mutual solidified positions, provides flexibility and helps to develop dynamic and to go to each other and to feel a unity and solidarity.
179.) Butterfly, Berlin (2016)
Symbol of transformation in the former German / German border. The lightness of being. Old burdens and pain can be transformed lovingly, are lighter and dissolve.
180.) Formation, Berlin (2016)
In the same field as the butterfly. The lightness of being that opening up to the spiritual level. A pulsating cleaning. The grandeur and nobility of soul is encouraged. The soul radiates in the light of unity.
185.) Pi, Mammendorf (2016)
Cropcircle shows to perfection the number PHI of the sacred geometry. The reminder of the interconnectedness of all life with God. The essence has an energetically regenerative effect on the original cell information of the DNA in their original condition. Activation of the self-healing powers. The human comes in his energetic centers.