(Blennius Sanguinolentus)
Blenny fish can grow up to 20 cm and belongs to the teleostei. These are the largest and most diverse fish group to which more than 90% of all fish species belong. Blenny fish feeds on algae and lives in the coastal zones of the seas, in small puddles and in rocky seabed areas which are illuminated by the sun. Some of these fishes can also perform acrobatic jumps to go, with low tide, from a puddle to another. Sometimes, they may even move forward crawling sideways over the rocks. Its area of distribution covers the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of Morocco to France and the Canary Islands. Through a sixth sense (a group of sensory organs known as the "lateral line"), fish can perceive the slightest currents and vibrations, discover the predators and recognize the exact distance between other fish. Inside the water, they can smell very accurately, perceive substances that are dissolved in it and, therefore, are able to return to the place where they have hatched in order to procreate themselves. Their fertilization is external. The female lays the eggs in the spawning ground, which then are fertilized by the male's sperm.
Fish in Mythology: In Greek mythology, the goddess of love, Aphrodite, and the god of love, Eros, became fish to escape from the Typhon snake. To the Babylonians, the fish represent the Creator and God of water, Enki. Their priests wrapped in cloaks that made them look like fish. In Christianity, the fish is a symbol for Christ. The early Christians were known among themselves through the symbol of the fish. The first apostles of Jesus were fishermen and Peter was called the fisher of men. The fish is associated with baptism, water, spiritual birth and resurrection. In China, the fish represents wealth and prosperity also abundance and good luck. So in Feng Shui, there are aquariums with fish placed as a symbol of wealth, success and profit.
The fish in the interpretation of dreams: By moving in the water, fish takes us to the emotional level, to those feelings which are asleep in our unconscious. If the water is cloudy, we find ourselves in situations that are confusing and unclear. We must discover our emotions clearly. If the fish is sick or dead, this can show interference in our emotional strength or our vital energy, and it can even refer to a disease. Benny Essence The essence connects us with our intuition and with our emotions.
On the body level: The emotions that we cannot express can lead to stiffness and numbness, which can be dissolved lovingly by this essence. As the water represents our emotions, this essence helps to soften them gently and lovingly, helping dissolve contractures so that our vital energy can flow again. This essence is also very good to be added to massage oil.
Emotional: The essence helps us let emotions be part of our lives. This helps us overcome our own fears better and show our feelings in a more appropriate manner. We learn, after initial hesitation, that this can be a positive experience. When we surrender fully and completely to our feelings, we discover that this is very good and satisfying. We will no longer take our feelings like fish out of water. We will, on the contraire, enjoy them. The essence takes us back to the healing force; giver of blessings; towards the original faith and, therefore, towards our vital richness and sense of inner joy. We also learn to develop compassion for others, to open our hearts and to participate in the dance of life.
Spiritual: We learn that it is essential to recognize the feelings and show them, rather than suppress them. In the worst-case scenario, suppressing our feelings can lead to cancer. We learn that human development and any kind of evolution is always done by expressing our emotions.
50% French brandy for preservation. It matures for at least 4 years in oak barrels.
50% energised still water (Black Forest)
~20% alcohol content