(Stichodactyla mertensii)
Strengthens the cohesion of a group and group consciousness. Helps us distinguish which people belong together and which do not. The sea anemone belongs to the invertebrates in the Cnidaria phylum. There are about 8000-9000 species around the world. All cnidarians have tentacles covered with stinging cells around the mouth opening. The sea anemone belongs to the Anthozoa class. With their bright colors, their waving tentacles and their fleshy trunk, these animals often resemble plants. However, they are carnivores. Their tentacles, with their stinging, poisonous cells, are used as defense against their enemies and also to capture their prey, which can range from different animals to small fish. Contrary to most corals, anemones live alone and their reproduction is asexual and it is done when an adult animal is divided into two resulting in two genetically identical animals.
Their tentacles can grow to several centimeters. They live attached to rocks on the sea bottom or on coral reefs and need a lot of light as a part of their food is produced, in symbiosis, by a photosynthesizing alga. They live in tidal areas and, at low tide, when they reach the surface they collect water in their tentacles to protect against dehydration. Then, they turn into a jelly mass that can be seen on the coastal rocks. They often live under rocky outcrops in order to be protected from the direct sun. Sea anemone stablishes many symbiotic relationships. In exchange for providing the algae safe harbor and exposure to sunlight, the anemone receives oxygen and sugar, the bi-products of the algae's photosynthesis. They form another symbiotic alliance with clownfish. Here, it seems that in the course of evolution, clownfish adapted themselves to the venom of the tentacles. They are protected by a mucus layer that makes them immune to the anemone's venom. Clownfish live within the anemone’s tentacles, getting protection from predators, and the anemone gets its benefit since the clownfish keeps it clean. However, this relationship is not entirely fair, as the anemone can live alone but the clownfish cannot.
Sea Anemone in Mythology: The sea anemone has many poisonous tentacles like, in Greek mythology, "Hydra of Lerna" with its many heads. And in the same way as their heads grew again when they were cut by Heracles, sea anemone can reproduce asexually through division.
Sea Anemone Essence: It helps us recognize what we may or may not be attached to. It is a very common problem and many people suffer from this issue. It is about being able to take the right decision in life, precisely when we reach the age at which we are longing for a companion that fears and doubts arise: Would that be the right person? The relationship has to remain solid after the first flare of infatuation and passion has been appeased and true love within the fellowship should be developed. Some couples live without a certificate of marriage, others get married by civil law or church, but then the daily routine comes and they must also learn to accept different aspects of their partner that were not considered at the beginning. Some people "survive" a relationship and they appear as "a united couple", but internally they are unhappy and full of doubts. And, later, when the famous "midlife crisis" comes, many married and unmarried couples break up.
The essence helps us see clearly what is really united and what is not, where there is chemistry and where there is not. It strengthens the awareness of ´us´ and our self-esteem. It is a big step that requires courage because fears may arise, as we truly learn to open our eyes, to see with clarity, to perceive through our heart and to recognize what is right for us. However, as our self-esteem will be increased, these fears will disappear. With this increased self-esteem we will also feel on equal terms within the couple, and so questions that have tortured us for years can disappear. The answer will be clear: Yes means Yes and No means No, with this you will feel great relief. We can leave behind the torturous questioning and we will know what really is suitable for us. Through this process, we can find the right partner, generating a solid relationship from which a family can be formed and in which the sense of belonging fills all members with strength and joy. It strengthens the group consciousness and the union as a group.
50% French brandy for preservation. It matures for at least 4 years in oak barrels.
50% energised still water (Black Forest)
~20% alcohol content
*We use suction pipettes made of natural rubber. This is a natural product that may exhibit minimal natural variations in colour and shape.