(Dicentra spectabilis)
Bleeding heart is a plant that lives several years. Their leaves, similar to those of a fern, have greenish-blue tones and grow around a stem of approximately 40 centimetres long. At the end of the stem there is a series of pink heart-shaped flowers. With this symbolic language, the plant transmits its clear message to the heart. There are about fifteen different species of this plant, the origins of which are found in East Asia and North America. In this case, the essence has been obtained from the Dicentra spectabilis.
Bleeding Heart Flower Essence is very useful in all kinds of heart disease. It intensifies the ability to be able to accept the course of things, it becomes easier to overcome the disappointments and to observe them from a distance.
Essence Effect on the Body: This essence is a balm in the case of a lessened Heart Chakra. It transmits harmony and energy on the energy level by promoting the regeneration of the heart area. It will allow us to leave painful spiritual experiences behind reaching a state of freedom and harmony.
Mood: The people of weak and insecure character that base much of their personal value in their relationship/partner or other relationship, may obtain substantial benefits from this essence. Instead of looking for partner support, they may find it in themselves. Internal security will pop up, while feelings such as jealousy, mistrust, a sickly affection, sarcasm, fear of abandonment, etc. will dissipate. This essence is recommended in case of painful and sudden separations, or when you lose a loved one (separation, or death), to be able to meet oneself and to release the pain of the heart.
Mind: This essence brings transparency and helps get rid of ways of thinking that we could have copy from our partner, with which one feels very identified or that shows a possessive behavior. With this essence, we will be able to bring freedom to our thoughts and to reach the mental energy that lies within us. It also increases the ability to decide over one's life independently. Besides, we can also eliminate feelings that were a burden for our hearts and, therefore, for our soul.
Spirit: This essence will let us discover that the true source of love is in the freedom. In it, lies the ability to leave behind a love, for example, isolating us from loved ones, either by breakage or death or just a temporary separation. It allows us to establish a spiritual union with the loved ones without tying them to us.
Affirmation: I open myself to the fortune of free love.
50% French brandy for preservation. It matures for at least 4 years in oak barrels.
50% energised still water (Black Forest)
~20% alcohol content