Wildflower Essences

Wildflower Essences
Our unique Wildflower Essences are produced in Europe.

Wildflower Essences : For Emotional Balance

The plant kingdom is classified in two sub-kingdoms with one of them being the Phanerogamae and its main characteristic is that they are attached to the earth through roots, in other words, they are united with  the physical element. The flower, as active energy, is found above the surface and its essences effect corresponds to the vibrational environment that is above the physical element even though they are united through the roots. The Wildflower essences have an emotional compensating effect (according to each individual orientation) in the astral and ethereal environment of the body. The development of a person is shown through their feelings and emotions which emphasize the importance of flower essences in the personality development process as they help to compensate problems such as fears or blocking feelings and as a result the person is able to persist on their personal development.

Vibration medicine - change everyday life with the power of nature. The primal power inherent in all being is revealed in nature. Connecting consciously with it leads to more mindfulness, clarity, strength and ultimately healing. Wildflower essences that are made for modern people offer support on this path. They are also called love remedies. 60 individual essences and their effects on physical and psychological imbalances are presented and explained. Healing on all levels becomes possible.
Nettle - Brennessel
Takes the "sting” out of conflicts within a group. Helps individuals living or working together to present different points of view without provoking hurt feelings.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Maidenhair Tree - Ginkgobaum
Enables us to resist harsh physical or emotional environments by strengthening our inner forces. Provides hope and the power to endure in the face of obstacles.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Coltsfoot - Huflattlich
Helps bring pent-up emotions to the surface so we can examine and release them. Alleviates accumulated stress, thereby allowing us to determine what´s really important.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Periwinkle -Immergrün
Has a calming and balancing effect. It strengthens the nervous system so that we remain calm and centered, even in very stressful situations. Promotes "nerves of steel”.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Canary Islands Pine - Kanarische Kiefer
Helps to free us from deep feelings of shame and guilt. Protects us from the negative thought projections of others and helps us to "breathe deeply”.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Snapdragon - Löwenmaul
Promotes our ability to "strike the right tone” when expressing our opinion by harmonizing the 5th (throat or larynx) chakra so that we express ourselves appropriately and even elegantly.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Evening Primrose - Nachtkerze
Shines a light into the darkness of our deepest fears. Soothes and calms our emotions so we regain a sense of security that we are safe and protected.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Pepper - Paprika
Sharpens all our senses and sensory perceptions. This essence strengthens our energy level.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Helps us use mental energy accurately. This essence promotes our ability to focus our thoughts and achieve both clarity and acuity.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Pot Marigold - Ringelblume
Helps us recognize and accept our different emotional states. This essence enables us to remain centered and to release energy blocks caused by shock or trauma.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Pennyroyal - Rossminze
Protects us against external disturbances on the mental level. Replenishes us with new energy after a shock so that we can make a fresh start.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Cone Flower - Roter Sonnenhut
Has a releasing and detoxifying effect on the emotional body, stimulating its defenses and dissolving pent-up emotional burdens that have been carried too long. Thus relieved, we get back into life’s flow. This essence smoothes the way to restoring emotional health.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
SORREL - Sauerampfer
Is a survival artist among plants because it grows even in extremely polluted environments. Likewise, this essence strengthens our life force and endurance capabilities.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Primrose - Schlüsselblume
Loosens energy blockages at key points so that our creative powers begin to flow smoothly again.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Turk`s Cap Lily - Türkenbundlilie
Releases emotional blockages that were formed in childhood when we couldn’t defend ourselves against abuse or bullying. This essence frees us from uncertainty about our own abilities and restores our self confidence.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Hawthorn - Weißdorn
Resolves deep feelings of sorrow or grief, bringing serenity and permitting our inner inspiration to flow again. Helps us to let get rid of the past.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Lemon - Zitrone
Cleanses us at all levels, bringing new clarity and feelings of well-being. Helps "restore the soul”.
from 11,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Additional Wildflower Essences Set
Essences 41-60. 15 ml stockbottles
130,00 EURO
incl. 9% tax
Show 45 to 63 (from a total of 63 products)